
【资讯】 会议通知|[ Call for Papers ] ISTISI & 7th CATIC Forum

双语讯飞 跨文化交际前沿 2022-04-24

[ Call for Papers ] International Symposium on Translation and Interpreting as Social  Interaction: Affect, Behaviour and Cognition 


7th CATIC Forum

17th -20th July 2020 

University College London (UCL) 

London, U.K. 

Organiser: Centre for Translation Studies (CenTraS), UCL / China Association for Translation, Interpreting and Cognition (CATIC) 

It is widely accepted that translators and interpreters do not work in isolation but “in a wider social context, interacting with other agents and with information technology” (Shih 2017: 50; See also Wang & Wang 2019). As in any effective social interaction, three components underpin translators and interpreters’ daily activities. They are: affect, behaviour and cognition (Spooner 1989). 

Cognition is defined as ‘the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses’ (Oxford Dictionary 2019). In translation and interpreting, this often refers to the mental procedure of how translators and interpreters acquire and store information, and consequently plan and execute translation and interpreting activities, often under the constraints of limited resources and situational contexts. With an accumulation of these ongoing mental processing throughout translators and interpreters’ experience and career, perception, schemata and understanding are gradually developed, which consequently guide their behaviours. Whist often overlooked, affect, which refers to translators’ and interpreters’ emotion and feeling, is tightly interwoven into the fabrics of translation and interpreters’ cognition and behaviour.  

To understand the entirety and complexity of translation and interpreting as social interaction, it is important to explore the interplay between translators’ and interpreters’ affect, behaviour and cognition, be it from the theoretical, empirical or methodological perspectives. 

This symposium welcomes contributions related to the following themes (although not limited to): 

Abstract submission

Abstracts are accepted in English (up to 300 words) and should be submitted as Microsoft Word documents. Please send your abstract to the symposium email: 

centras_catic@outlook.com by 31st March 2020. Please include your name, email and affiliation. 

Selected full conference papers, subject to blind review, will be published in a Special Issue of the CATIC Journal, Translation Research and Teaching, after the symposium. 

Provisional programme 

Conference registration: 

Details for conference registration will be announced shortly.

Application form

 Download link for application form: 



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